and I am the one
behind the camera.
Allow me to show you how you shine like gold.
For there is hope- should oceans rise
and mountains fall, HE never fails.
Josie has been with me for 7 years now. She is a bilingual pup, with her commands only in Spanish. She loves to dig in the sand at the beach, and she is the all time best fetch partner! You will get tired of throwing the ball before she gets tired of chasing it. To get her to literally smile at you, pat her butt or bring her a Starbucks Puppucino.(yes, must be Starbucks…) But honestly, I wouldn’t mind if you did that for me either.
OKAY, OKAY, you caught me. I am your typical “Let’s meet for coffee!” I spend hours upon hours in coffee shops. Whether the that is working, hanging out, or just reading. Coffee is culture and I love how different parts of the world have their own taste in it. What I have learned is nothing bad ever happens over a cup of coffee…unless you spill it… other than that, it is a love language. You’ll often see my “office of the day” stories on instagram. Take a hint where I usually am at.
I’m a sucker for anything outdoors. Whether we are surfing, hiking, snowboarding, or just simply exploring a new place— I am your gal. Don’t hold back. Language has no barrier when it comes to exploring with me. There is so much world, and so little time. Let’s book a flight or ride for miles and chase the sun together. You will become humbled and inspired by the places we can go.